
Statman Sample Reports
Linked below are samples of the reports that you will be able to produce using Statman Football. I used the 2013 Florida State/Auburn National Championship game as my sample.
Note: Most season stats are presented in the same format and output as above, but are cumulative throughout the season. Exceptions are noted above with an asterisk. These are available only on the season stats or season record book file.
Statman has Coachstats integrated into the software. This feature will allow coaches/media/fans to track tendencies of playcalling for their team and their opponent for a game or season. By entering an offensive play formation, a rush/pass zone code for offensive plays and a ball spot prior to the snap, the program will track in detail the yards gained by zone, down and distance, game time/situation, offensive play formation, and short/wide field tendencies. Three sets of output pages are included: 1) Playsheet for your team and your opponent which will chart the yards gained and success rate by rush/pass zone; 2) Sortable play call sheet that allows the user to sort all plays by formation, down, yards gained, ball spot, or by pass/rush zone; and 3) detailed CoachStats summary comparison. Linked below are samples of the reports produced by CoachStats.
*Alternatively, the plays can easily be sorted by ball spot, rush/pass zone, or by down and distance.
Note: Season stats are presented in the same format and output as above, but are cumulative throughout the season.
Offensive Line Reports
Statman includes a comprehensive Offensive Line grading system. Here's how it works: During the game (or after the game), enter the plays and results as normal for Statman and Coachstats for the appropriate game file. During the film session, open the offensive line grading file and activate. The program will import all plays (description, ball spots, play zones, etc.). Your opponent's possessions are shaded out for ease of use. Input your starting line at the top of the sheet and begin grading while watching the film . . . it is that easy! You simply enter the number of your player(s) who does not complete a block (the default is completed block). Also, you can track pancake blocks, key blocks, 2nd block downfield . . . as well as sacks allowed and penalties. You can easily enter a substitute lineman.
The feature will tabulate and grade your line for the game . . . and season!